Black Friday, eagerly anticipated day which took a lot of traction in recent years. Although it's very famous as a „shopping holiday“ in USA for a number of years now, it wasn't until fairly recently that it took a hold in other countries.
Black Friday refers to a day after Thanksgiving, it utilizes the gifting spirit which occurs in people right before Christmas. There are sales everywhere, that TV you always wanted suddenly costs 70% less. If you don't manage to get anything on Black Friday there's no reason to worry, Cyber Monday is just around the corner so keep your wallet close for a bit longer.
But how does Black Friday come into question when we're talking about social media and content creation? Well it's a huge global event and completely ignoring it certainly isn't the right move. So, what should we do?
1. Acknowledge the event
Regardless of what sector you're in, Black Friday is a huge event and as such it should be at least acknowledged on your social media, blog or any other platform. A short blog post regarding the history of Black Friday, Facebook post about crazy sales or even an engaging question on one of your social media profiles creates a sense of engagement and competence.
It shows that you as a company or an individual are completely aware off all the trends and can use them to interact with your audience.
2. Prepare your social media
This tip is more focused on companies actually selling products. You should prepare all your social media profiles ahead of time. Coordinate between all your social media accounts and create recognizable and unified visuals regarding Black Friday.
Make sure to change your cover photo, create a custom Black Friday one for each of your profiles and follow that up with custom profile pictures. Make sure that all the links regarding sales are highlighted and easy to access, that means putting links in your about me section and all the other spots that are connected to your contact info.
Great tip that you can use is pinning a post regarding Black Friday, it will be the first thing your audience sees and it makes it really easy for them to redirect to your store.
3. Create a sense of urgency
Even though the sense of urgency is natural during the event, adding a bit more goes a long way. Make sure to use teaser of your upcoming sales to excite your audience, allude to your limited supply and use words which create urgency in your audience. Words such as limited offer, only today, shop now, don't miss this, limited numbers available and so on.
4. Use hashtags
A great deal of people will be using hashtags to quickly find offers during the event. Basic hashtags such as #BlackFriday #BlackFridayDeals #CyberMonday #CyberMondayDeals should be included, without them you are creating a major disservice to your business. You can spice things up and add other hashtags such as #GiftsForHim #GiftsForHer, be creative and do your research!
5. Extend your offer to Cyber Monday

Black Friday deals are a mixture of in store and ecommerce deals, Cyber Monday is based exclusively on ecommerce deals. Make sure to let your audience know that even if they missed some of the deals, they will still have a chance on Cyber Monday. Create sneak peaks and teasers to create a sense of excitement in your audience and start the show all over again on Monday.